Would You Rather?

Kia ora,
here is a would you rather post.

I would rather be fast than strong because you can save people and if you are really fast they won’t even see you. Also that you would never be late when arriving at a place. Being fast will be fun so will being strong it was a hard to pick but being fast will be really cool.

What is another power you liked to have other than fast and strong?

2 thoughts on “Would You Rather?

  1. Hi Danica, I would rather be fast. So then i can run around the world and travel to different places. And if you run off a cliff you could probably fly.
    blog you later

    1. Thanks Artem,
      Smart thinking yeah you could probably fly if you run really fast off a cliff.
      What other power would you have other than fast and strong?
      Blog ya later,

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